Thursday, September 13, 2012


This is a scene outside of either our embassy in Cairo or our consulate that was attacked in Bengazi yesterday. When I see things like this going on around the world, I can't help but look to Scripture for answers and the only sense that I can make out of the events in our world today is that Jesus said that there would be such times prior to His return. You may say that this has been going on for millenia and I would certainly have to agree with you but then I would also have to agree with His warning that we don't know the time so we have to be ready whenever it arrives. Are you ready?

I talked with a younger brother this morning (actually, they're all younger) to discuss where and when he and I and our wives can get together before he and his depart for Florida for the winter. It crossed my mind that our plans COULD  be very important since with both of us being of retirement age - although neither is retired yet - it is possible that we may not have another opportunity this side of heaven to get together. Perhaps that sounds gruesome but I think it is just reality.

Switch gears: I'm so concerned about our country. I went and saw the movie 2016 OBAMA'S AMERICA Monday night. Please see it and diligently apply yourselves to making wise decisions at the polls on November 6.

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